Source code for slipo.operation

Client for executing SLIPO Toolkit component operations

import json
import http
import requests

    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin

from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Tuple

from .exceptions import SlipoException
from .utils import json_response, file_response
from .types import InputType


API_PROFILES = '/api/{api_version}/toolkit/profiles'
API_TRANSFORM = '/api/{api_version}/toolkit/transform'
API_INTERLINK = '/api/{api_version}/toolkit/interlink'
API_FUSE = '/api/{api_version}/toolkit/fuse'
API_ENRICH = '/api/{api_version}/toolkit/enrich'
API_EXPORT = '/api/{api_version}/toolkit/export'

[docs]class EnumDataFormat(Enum): """ Supported data formats for transform operations """ CSV = 'CSV' GPX = 'GPX' GEOJSON = 'GEOJSON' JSON = 'JSON' OSM_PBF = 'OSM_PBF' OSM_XML = 'OSM_XML' SHAPEFILE = 'SHAPEFILE' RDF_XML = 'RDF_XML' RDF_XML_ABBREV = 'RDF_XML_ABBREV' TURTLE = 'TURTLE' XML = 'XML' N_TRIPLES = 'N_TRIPLES' N3 = 'N3'
[docs]class EnumInputType(Enum): """ Supported input types for SLIPO Toolkit components operations """ FILESYSTEM = 'FILESYSTEM' CATALOG = 'CATALOG' OUTPUT = 'OUTPUT'
[docs]class OperationClient(object): """OperationClient provides methods for executing SLIPO Toolkit components operations. Details about the API responses are available at the `SLIPO`_ site. Args: base_url (str): Base URL for SLIPO API endpoints. The default value is ````. api_key (str): SLIPO API key. An application key can be generated using the SLIPO Workbench application. Returns: A :py:class:`OperationClient <slipo.operation.OperationClient>` object. .. _SLIPO: """ def __init__(self, base_url, api_key): self.base_url = base_url self.api_key = api_key self.headers = { 'X-API-Key': api_key, 'Content-type': 'application/json', }
[docs] @json_response def profiles(self) -> dict: """Browse all SLIPO Toolkit components profiles. Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ endpoint = API_PROFILES.format(api_version=API_VERSION) url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
@json_response def _transform( self, path: str, inputFormat: EnumDataFormat, attrCategory: str = None, attrGeometry: str = None, attrKey: str = None, attrName: str = None, attrX: str = None, attrY: str = None, classificationSpec: str = None, defaultLang: str = 'en', delimiter: str = None, encoding: str = 'UTF-8', featureSource: str = None, mappingSpec: str = None, profile: str = None, quote: str = None, sourceCRS: str = 'EPSG:4326', targetCRS: str = 'EPSG:4326', ) -> dict: endpoint = API_TRANSFORM.format(api_version=API_VERSION) url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) data = { 'path': path, 'configuration': { 'attrCategory': attrCategory, 'attrGeometry': attrGeometry, 'attrKey': attrKey, 'attrName': attrName, 'attrX': attrX, 'attrY': attrY, 'classificationSpec': classificationSpec, 'defaultLang': defaultLang, 'delimiter': delimiter, 'encoding': encoding, 'featureSource': featureSource, 'inputFormat': None if inputFormat is None else inputFormat.value, 'mappingSpec': mappingSpec, 'profile': profile, 'quote': quote, 'sourceCRS': sourceCRS, 'targetCRS': targetCRS, }, } return url, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data) )
[docs] def transform_csv( self, path: str, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Transforms a CSV file to a RDF dataset. Args: path (str): The relative path to a file on the remote user file system. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **attrCategory** (str, optional): Field name containing literals regarding classification into categories (e.g., type of points, road classes etc.) for each feature. - **attrGeometry** (str, optional): Parameter that specifies the name of the geometry column in the input dataset. - **attrKey** (str, optional): Field name containing unique identifier for each entity (e.g., each record in the shapefile). - **attrName** (str, optional): Field name containing name literals (i.e., strings). - **attrX** (str, optional): Specify attribute holding X-coordinates of point locations. If inputFormat is not `CSV`, the parameter is ignored. - **attrY** (str, optional): Specify attribute holding Y-coordinates of point locations. If inputFormat is not `CSV`, the parameter is ignored. - **classificationSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML/CSV file describing a classification scheme. - **defaultLang** (str, optional): Default lang for the labels created in the output RDF (default: `en`). - delimiter (str, optional): Specify the character delimiting attribute values. - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **featureSource** (str, optional): Specifies the data source provider of the input features. - **mappingSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML file containing mappings from input schema to RDF according to a custom ontology. - **profile** (str, optional): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. If profile is not set, the `mappingSpec` parameter must be set. - **quote** (str, optional): Specify quote character for string values. - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ return self._transform( path, EnumDataFormat.CSV, **kwargs )
[docs] def transform_shapefile( self, path: str, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Transforms a SHAPEFILE file to a RDF dataset. Args: path (str): The relative path for a file on the remote user file system. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **attrCategory** (str, optional): Field name containing literals regarding classification into categories (e.g., type of points, road classes etc.) for each feature. - **attrGeometry** (str, optional): Parameter that specifies the name of the geometry column in the input dataset. - **attrKey** (str, optional): Field name containing unique identifier for each entity (e.g., each record in the shapefile). - **attrName** (str, optional): Field name containing name literals (i.e., strings). - **classificationSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML/CSV file describing a classification scheme. - **defaultLang** (str, optional): Default lang for the labels created in the output RDF (default: `en`). - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **featureSource** (str, optional): Specifies the data source provider of the input features. - **mappingSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML file containing mappings from input schema to RDF according to a custom ontology. - **profile** (str, optional): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. If profile is not set, the `mappingSpec` parameter must be set. - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ return self._transform( path, EnumDataFormat.SHAPEFILE, **kwargs )
def _get_input(self, value: InputType) -> dict: if isinstance(value, str): return { 'type': EnumInputType.FILESYSTEM.value, 'path': value, } if isinstance(value, tuple): if(len(value) == 2): return { 'type': EnumInputType.CATALOG.value, 'id': value[0], 'version': value[1], } elif(len(value) == 3): return { 'type': EnumInputType.OUTPUT.value, 'processId': value[0], 'processVersion': value[1], 'fileId': value[2], } else: raise SlipoException( 'Expected a tuple with 2 or 3 members. Instead received {size}'.format(size=len(value))) raise SlipoException( 'Unsupported input type {type}'.format(type=type(value)))
[docs] @json_response def fuse( self, profile: str, left: InputType, right: InputType, links: InputType ) -> dict: """Fuses two RDF datasets using Linked Data and returns a new RDF dataset. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. left (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]): The `left` RDF dataset. right (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]): The `right` RDF dataset. links (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]): The links for the `left` and `right` datasets. Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ endpoint = API_FUSE.format(api_version=API_VERSION) url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) data = { 'profile': profile, 'left': self._get_input(left), 'right': self._get_input(right), 'links': self._get_input(links), } return url, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data) )
[docs] @json_response def enrich( self, profile: str, source: InputType ) -> dict: """Enriches a RDF dataset. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. source (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]): The RDF dataset to enrich. Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ endpoint = API_ENRICH.format(api_version=API_VERSION) url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) data = { 'profile': profile, 'input': self._get_input(source), } return url, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data) )
@json_response def _export( self, profile: str, source: InputType, outputFormat: EnumDataFormat, defaultLang: str = 'en', delimiter: str = '|', encoding: str = 'UTF-8', quote: str = '\\"', sourceCRS: str = 'EPSG:4326', sparqlFile: str = None, targetCRS: str = 'EPSG:4326', ) -> dict: endpoint = API_EXPORT.format(api_version=API_VERSION) url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) data = { 'input': self._get_input(source), 'configuration': { 'defaultLang': defaultLang, 'delimiter': delimiter, 'encoding': encoding, 'outputFormat': None if outputFormat is None else outputFormat.value, 'profile': profile, 'quote': quote, 'sourceCRS': sourceCRS, 'sparqlFile': sparqlFile, 'targetCRS': targetCRS, }, } return url, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data) )
[docs] def export_csv( self, profile: str, source: InputType, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Exports a RDF dataset to a CSV file. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. source (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]): The RDF dataset to export. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **defaultLang** (str, optional): The default language for labels created in output RDF. The default is "en". - delimiter (str, optional):A field delimiter for records (default: `;`). - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **quote** (str, optional): Specify quote character for string values (default `"`). - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **sparqlFile** (str, optional): The relative path to a file containing a user-specified SELECT query (in SPARQL) that will retrieve results from the input RDF triples. This query should conform with the underlying ontology of the input RDF triples. - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ return self._export( profile, source, EnumDataFormat.CSV, **kwargs )
[docs] def export_shapefile( self, profile: str, source: InputType, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Exports a RDF dataset to a SHAPEFILE file. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. source (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]): The RDF dataset to export. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **defaultLang** (str, optional): The default language for labels created in output RDF. The default is "en". - delimiter (str, optional):A field delimiter for records (default: `;`). - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **quote** (str, optional): Specify quote character for string values (default `"`). - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **sparqlFile** (str, optional): The relative path to a file containing a user-specified SELECT query (in SPARQL) that will retrieve results from the input RDF triples. This query should conform with the underlying ontology of the input RDF triples. - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A :obj:`dict` representing the parsed JSON response. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ return self._export( profile, source, EnumDataFormat.SHAPEFILE, **kwargs )